Most Toxic Items to Buy at the Dollar Store
Think everything you buy at the store is safe and tested? Well most likely not, a lot of products on shelves contain lead, bromine, PVC and a range of other toxic chemicals that are making us all sick. Dollar Stores are some of the worst offenders of chemicals in products.
A test conducted by Healthy Stuff and released to the public found that 81% of the products tested contained one or more hazardous chemicals above levels of concern. Chemicals detected included phthalates, polyvinyl chlorine, lead, chromium, bromine and antimony. They also found that over 32% of vinyl products tested contained levels of phthalates above the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) limit for children’s products. In additional 38% of the products contained the toxic plastic PVC.
So before you think that dollar store items are a bargain think about your health, is the product really necessary in your life? The chemicals found in these items are associated with cancer, obesity, diabetes, asthma, thyroid and kidney diseases, learning problems, lower IQ, birth defects, and early puberty. Do you really need it? If so make sure it comes from a reputable brand and do a little research, which can go a long way.